Aesthecel Stem Cell Therapy
Aesthecel has focused and committed to the research of stem cell proliferation and differentiation for cosmeceutical application.
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem Cell Therapy (or Cell Therapy) uses the same principle as the Human Stem Cell Therapy.
However,instead of extracting stem cells from ahuman placenta, Live Cell Therapy starts with the selection of specific organ cells from an animal fetus (unborn young) bred specifically for this purpose.
Many years ofexperience have shown that sheepare the best donor animals because they are vital, hardy animals with the best immune systems and naturaldisease resistance.
Sheep proteins are particularly compatible with the human body and trigger no immune reactions. In Stem Cell Therapy, these vigorous stem cells, with their vital life force still active, are injected into a human host.
Aesthecel Power Cell Extract Solution(APCES)APCES are extracted with state-of-the-artbiotechnological processes, without damaging the effectiveness of the valuable bio-active matter.
APCES are deemed the most perfected anti aging and cellular activating solution. APCES focuses onthe application of high-tech diagnostic and treatment biomedical technologies for the most aggressive aging symptoms.
-Rejuvenation and anti-aging.
-Regenerated cells, tissues, and organs.
-Lightening of facial pigmentation
-Refining of facial pores and a glow to your skin
-Finer skin texture with a more evenly tonedcolor, improvement in skin elasticity and thickness, and reduction of wrinkles.-Deeper and more relaxing sleep.
-Better digestion and elimination ofconstipation.
-Improvement in blood circulation.
-More flexible joints and discs.
-Vast improvement in the immune system against diseases.
-Vast improvement in alertness andmentality.
-Boost of Sex Drive and Potency withendurance and vitality.
-Prevention or relief of male/ female sexualdysfunction.
-Renewed sexual satisfaction.
-Decrease in Premenstrual Tension andrelated feminine problems.
-Reduction in Pre-Menopause Syndromeand a delay in Menopause, an indication ofaging.
-Firming of sagging bust and bust development in some cases in women withunder developed bust size.
-Stabilization of weight at a normal level.
-Relief of symptoms related to any chronic disease.
-Enhancement in Stamina and Energy Level, preventing you from feeling tired easily.
Growth Factors
The term growth factors refer to anaturally occurring protein capable ofstimulating cellular proliferation and cellular differentiation.
Growth factors are important for regulating a variety of cellular processes. They typically act as signaling molecules between cells.
they often promote cell differentiation andmaturation, which varies between growthfactors.Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)Epidermal Growth Factor is growth factor that plays an important role in theregulation of skin cell growth for thehealing of skin injuries. This hastens blood vessel synthesis around damagedparts.
Therefore, this heals skin injuries without scarBasic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF)bFGF are a member of
Fibroblast GrowthFactor family, involved in angiogenisis,would healing and embryonic development. FGF's are key player in theprocesses of proliferation anddifferentiation of wide variety of cells andtissues.Thioredoxin (TRX)Thioredoxins are proteins that act as antioxidants by facilitating the reduction of other proteins by cysteine thiol-disulfide exchange. Thioredoxins are also found in nearly allknown organisms and are essential for life in mammals.Dosage & Administration4 series of treatment (3 per week, a total of 12 ampoules); 30 days break; After 24 days ofintermission of new course of treatment may be begun.
At room temperature, protected from light and humidity.
6X5ml ampoules Contains Power Cell Extract Solution, EGF, bFGF, TRX, SCF, Amino Acids